About my career path
Lilly Georgieva who consults women how to create clear vision about a career which brings joy and satisfaction, invited me to talk about my career path and the changes in the meantime. This is the outcome: “Hi, Alex. You have been an artist for twenty years, however for some years you worked in office environment at IT companies – a completetely different area. What provoked you to consider making a change? And how did it happen?” Most of the artists all over the world have a full-time job. It helps them to earn their living while they are developing as artists. At the beginning, painting balanced for me the stress…
“Mr. Turner”
I have been waiting for this movie for a long time, because I imagined it will be a worthy pearl amongst the movies about artists. and indeed, Mike Leigh has created a wonderful illustration (balancing the facts with fiction well) of the adult years of Joseph Mallord William Turner, up to his death. At the beginning there is a lot of humor in the otherwise oppressive and archaic setting, but as the years go by the mood becomes darker and darker – a reflection of the artist’s experiences… “loneliness and solitude are two different things”… I doubt there is a better choice for the role of the growling and eccentric Turner…
Teresita Fernandez Commencement Speech
photo source >> I have been following the articles of brainpickings.org for a while now and a few days ago, while going through the saved-for-later stuff, I found a true treasure: the speech of Teresita Fernandez, a New York based artist, at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of the Arts. Very few things manage to impress me lately – maybe because of the immense amount of information around us, offering too little meaningful content, but the words of Teresita touched me, and inspired me, and are a source of true wisdom, not only for artists, but for any human being. > (opens in a new tab)”>the commencement speech >>
On artwork pricing
Probably one of the most difficult and controversial things in art is setting its price. It’s not an accident that the emerging artists often ask gallery owners, art marketing specialists and established artists how to set the price of their artworks. there are different factors forming this price, but overall they can be reduced to several general ones. As I meet with very different opinions, questions and statements about the artworks’ price, I would like to share some thoughts on the topic: “This is too expensive” One of the most common responses of (let’s tentatively call them) art viewers – they usually are not true buyers – is “this is…
Museum of Women in the Arts
For centuries and for many reasons women artists stayed anonymous, which in time led to the ridiculous assumption that women are not as good artists as men, that is why they are not as famous. More thoughts and interesting facts on the matter – in the documentary on the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington.