Тим Ферис в разговор с Мари Форлео
Oh, man… Дълъг, смислен, проникновен и много докосващ разговор на Мари Форлео с Тим Ферис. За бизнес нещата е ясно, но съм истински впечатлена и респектирана от смелостта и непринудеността, с която споделя толкова, толкова лични неща…
Unless your goals are specific you won't achieve them. Unless your fears are very specifically defined you cannot overcome them.
You are never going to get the serious stuff done if you are serious all the time.
If you try to make something that everyone is going to like, you're going to make something nobody's going to love.
You have to figure out a way to love yourself to love other people fully.