• movies,  music

    Creed II

    For the generation that is not familiar with the Rocky Balboa sequence, Creed II might be a bit old-school, but it has enough drama with the typical story of the crushed hero who resurrects stronger in order to face fears, enemies and mostly – himself. For me, Creed II is a remake of Rocky IV made with respect and my sympathies towards Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester are strongly backed-up by the cool soundtrack which is the equivalent of the legendary Eye of the Tiger. My discovery amidst this sound explosion is the Nigerian-born Brit Jacob Banks whose voice really spoke to me.

  • books and quotes

    “La part de l’autre” by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

    For me, books have been an especially satiating pleasure since my childhood. Thus I have a ritual for almost every birthday – I gift myself so many books I barely manage to take home. however, lately on several occasions I discovered that I didn’t feel the familiar wild enthusiasm for books and I am struggling to choose even one I want to by. Whether this is a function of information overload, my filter is getting narrower, the overwhelming abundance on the bookshelves rebuffs me from the onset… I don’t know… But I do know that when something truly amazing comes up, the delight is absolute. The Alternative Hypothesis is the…

  • movies

    “Becoming Astrid”

    I set apart this movie from the February movie mix on purpose. Not only because it is European production, but also because it moved me exceptionally. I admit I knew almost nothing about Astrid Lindgren, although I grew up with Pippy Longstocking, The Brothers Lionheart, Karlson, Ronia the Robber’s Daughterand Emil of Lonneberga. After watching the movie, I saw the rich context explaining why things were the way they were in my favorite childhood books… the young Astrid (Unga Astrid– the original title of the movie) was overflowing with energy, light and life, but she was “lucky” to be born in a small Swedish town, among manners narrowly bound by religious rules, which…

  • movies

    February movie mix

    Bohemian Rhapsody: I am not one of the devoted fans of Queen who compare the movie scene by scene with documentary footage from concerts and interviews. For me the move is exceptionally well made, and the role of Rami Malek is inhumanely difficult and perfectly played given the vast admiration for Freddie Mercury. In the interviews from the movie release interesting facts ‘from the kitchen’ came up, for example, that the first shot scene was the Live Aid concert (!), the work with movement couch, details on make-up and costumes. I would watch it for the second time, so I am looking forward to the 5-hours directors cut. absolutely deserved…

  • movies

    “Beautiful Boy”

    Challenging to watch, but a must see anyway. About addiction as an all-consuming and devastating black hole. About struggle which is unbearable, ugly and inhumane. About shame, anger and despair. about boundaries, patience and the endlessly stretching matter called love… And, overall, about the hell of addiction… I am so glad Steve Carell did not stay in the clich? Of the comedy, but unfolds his talent in the drama. And what can I say about Timothee Chalamet except – this boy is so talented and speaks so meaningfully and mature during his interviews, I cannot wait to see his future projects. Based on a true story and the books of David…