November movie mix
Christopher Robin: how good it would be if when we become too serious in our lives, when we forget what it was like to be a child, for our childhood friends to come and sometimes playing, sometimes sharing wisdom, to remind us the really important things… like “Today is my favorite day” or “Doing nothing always leads to the best of something”. Evoking warmth and smiles, with wonderful music.
Mindhunter s.01: the dawn of profiling in the FBI… Endless curiosity and thinking outside the box always lead to changes and growth. And the contact with the most sinister psychopaths… leads to unexpected turns in the viewpoint. I am waiting for the second season.
Juliet, Naked: more drama than comedy. Nice, without much depth, but still posing some questions: what do we really know about the “celebrities”, does the publicity gives the audience the right to constantly peak into the personal space of the “celebrities”…
A Discovery of Witches s01: a bit cliched, made with a modest budget, but I took it in in one go, maybe because time is a different dimension in front of the chimney in the countryside. It charmed me because of my irresistible attraction to witchcraft and the good old romance works miracles.
Outlaw King: the story of Robert the Bruce who claims the Scottish throne in turbid and bloody times. I wouldn’t say it stands out from similar historical dramas, but a battle towards the end of the movie is impressively realistic and Chris Pine is always a joy to watch.
Hell or High Water: I waited for a long time for this movie with dozens awards and finally managed to watch it. A beautiful story, most definitely based on something true. You wish good luck to the “bad ones” and hope that the “good ones” won’t catch them. Jeff Bridges brings me more and more joy with his classical characters. And I wouldn’t even comment on Ben Foster – he plays the same freaks time and again. The music is a powerful highlight.