The more the consumer hysteria and information cacophony around me grow, the more I am interested in the minimalism as a way of life. I recently added the youtube channel of Matt D’Avella and started to return to the ideas of drastic clearing and releasing everything (and I mean everything) unnecessary. This concept has been close to my heart for years. I am one of those OCDs who regularly throw out and rearrange, otherwise I would not be able to function normally.
I am a fan of minimalism in architecture, interior, fashion and things in the wardrobe, devices and relationships. I am terrified of the obsession with goods, the compulsive hoarding, the old-fashioned interiors with suffocating furniture, the obsession with having huge quantities of shoes. and the fridge magnets give me a shock. Maybe in a previous life I have lived in the Samurai’s Japan or somewhere in Scandinavia. For me fewer things mean clear conscience, air and focus. And elegance.
After watching several of Matt’s videos and after 10 years of living in the same place, I decided to make December a month of releasing and every corner would be rummaged, rethought and cleared. Keep it simple.
P.S. In this train of thought I started the big online clearing too: my FB newsfeed was minimized by hiding everything unnecessary and unfollowing 80% of the pages I collected in passing over the years; I unfollowed everything in youtube which would reach me anyway (a fine point: I super enthusiastically subscribe for a channel and I never manage to watch the archives as I leave it for ‘later’ and… I subscribe for the next channel and… I call this the ‘online gluttony syndrome’ – more and more and more, just because… we are flooded with more (if we allow it)). online minimalism = a more accomplished offline life and access to a fresher brain. Yes, I might miss something. Big deal.